... ide gyűjtök minden, az angol nyelv tanulásához számomra fontos információt, anyagot.
2012. december 13., csütörtök
Hazel O Connor Will you
Hazel O Connor Will you
Will you
You drink your coffee and I sip my tea
And we're sitting here playing so cool,
thinking "What will be, will be"
But it's getting kind of late now
Oh I wonder if you'll stay now, stay now, stay now, stay now
Or will you just politely say goodnight?
I move a little closer to you, not knowing quite what to do
And I'm feeling all fingers and thumbs,
I spill my tea, oh silly me!
But it's getting kind of late now
I wonder if you'll stay now, stay now, stay now, stay now
Or will you just politely say goodnight?
And then we touch much too much
This moment has been waiting for a long long time
Makes me shiver, it makes me quiver
This moment I am so unsure
This moment I have waited for
Was it something you've been waiting for, waiting for too?
Take off your eyes, bare your soul
Gather me to you and make me whole
Tell me your secrets, sing me the song
Sing it to me in the silent dawn
But it's getting kind of late now
I wonder if you'll stay now, stay now, stay now, stay now
Or will you just politely say goodnight?
You drink your coffee and I sip my tea
And we're sitting here playing so cool,
thinking "What will be, will be"
But it's getting kind of late now
Oh I wonder if you'll stay now, stay now, stay now, stay now
Or will you just politely say goodnight?
I move a little closer to you, not knowing quite what to do
And I'm feeling all fingers and thumbs,
I spill my tea, oh silly me!
But it's getting kind of late now
I wonder if you'll stay now, stay now, stay now, stay now
Or will you just politely say goodnight?
And then we touch much too much
This moment has been waiting for a long long time
Makes me shiver, it makes me quiver
This moment I am so unsure
This moment I have waited for
Was it something you've been waiting for, waiting for too?
Take off your eyes, bare your soul
Gather me to you and make me whole
Tell me your secrets, sing me the song
Sing it to me in the silent dawn
But it's getting kind of late now
I wonder if you'll stay now, stay now, stay now, stay now
Or will you just politely say goodnight?
Walk of the earth - Gang of rhythm
Walk of the earth - Gang of rhythm
I got this old guitar
the strings are rusty
but it's all I need
bring in the kick drum
it can back the beat
let's gather round and sing a song
I got a shaker too
the kinds of sound
that wants to make you move
bring in the uke
it will complete the groove
let's gather round and sing a song
there's no worries on the earth tonight
we're all walkin' off the world tonight
come on now everyone yeah
come on now everyone
we're like a locomotive
under the big hot sun
we're chained to the gang of rhythm
the song is never done
come on now everyone yeah
come on now everyone
come on everyone
we got this melody
bring in the harmony like CSNY
to write a tune you know will never die
let's gather round and sing a song
there's no worries on the earth tonight
we're all walkin' off the world tonight
come on now everyone yeah
come on now everyone
we're like a locomotive
under the big hot sun
we're chained to the gang of rhythm
the song is never done
come on now everyone yeah
come on now everyone
come on everyone
and when the night is done
these chains will hold us strong
the chords will carry on
long after we're gone oh oh
there's no worries on the earth tonight
we're all walkin' off the world tonight
come on now everyone yeah
come now everyone
we're like like a locomotive
under the big hot sun
come on now everyone yeah
come on now everyone
we're like a locomotive
under the big hot sun
we're chained to the gang of rhythm
the song is never done
come on now everyone yeah
come on now everyone
come on everyone
we got this melody
come on everyone
bring in the harmony
come on everyone
I got this old guitar
the strings are rusty
but it's all I need...
2012. december 6., csütörtök
ESOL Courses FREE English Lessons Online
2012. november 23., péntek
Szleng - Slang
"Szeretnél olyasmiről tanulni, ami nincs benne a tankönyvekben, de mégis az élő nyelvhez tartozik?"
Nos, ha a fenti kérdésre a válaszod igen, akkor kövesd a mai leckét figyelemmel, mert a slang-ről lesz szó.
Minden nyelv napról napra változik, sokszor észre sem vesszük mennyire. Új szavak kerülnek a nyelvbe, és vannak, amelyek elavulnak, vagy már nem használatosak.
A slang azokra a szavakra utal, amelyek inkább a beszélt nyelvre jellemzőek, nem az írottra, és amelyek egy bizonyos csoportra jellemzőek. Nevezhetnénk az utca embere nyelvezetének is, de az is slang amit mondjuk az iskolások használnak, vagy például a közeli barátok használnak egymás között.
A szavakkal sajnos az a gond, hogy sok jelentésük van, így például egy hétköznapi szónak, mint például a "chicken" szó, a köznapi használatban olyan valakire mondhatjuk, aki nem nagyon bátor. Mi erre a "nyuszi" szót használjuk:)
Ami 100 évvel ezelőtt slang volt, az ma már valószínűleg elavult szó. Hiszen ez főleg a fiatalokkal köthető össze, akik valami új nevet akarnak adni valaminek, amire már létezik egy szó. Kezdetben azért, hogy csak pár ember értse, de utána ezek a szavak bekerülnek a szókincsbe.
Nézzük az első ilyen szót: pénz
Ezt a szót talán az is tudja angolul, aki még sosem tanult, hiszen a money szó, már szinte bekúszott a magyar nyelvbe is.
A pénz szóra a brit angol még a következő szavakat használja:
dosh (dos) /dɒʃ/
notes (nóútsz) /nəʊts/ Az amerikai angol erre a bill szót használja.
the readies (dhö redíz) /ðəˈred.iz/
Ha Nagy-britanniába mész vagy dolgozol, akkor hallhatoda quid (kwid) /kwɪd/ szót a pénzre, ami a font megfelelője. Így például 2 font: two quid (ennek a szónak az egyes és többes száma ugyanaz)
Az amerikai dollár a hétköznapi nyelvben buck (bák) /bʌk/ vagy green back (grín bek)
Hallgasd meg a fenti szavak kiejtését.
2012. november 22., csütörtök
Williams Shatner - Common People
She came from Greece,
she had a thirst for knowledge.
She studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College.
That's where I caught her eye.
She told me that her Dad was loaded.
I said, in that case I'll have a rum and coca-cola.
She said fine, and in thirty seconds time she said,
I want to live like common people.
I want to do whatever common people do.
I want to sleep with common people.
I want to sleep with common people, like you.
Well, what else could I do?
I said, I'll see what I can do.
I took her to a supermarket.
I don't know why, but I had to
start it somewhere, so it started there.
I said, pretend you've got no money.
She just laughed, and said
oh you're so funny. I said, yeah?
Well, I can't see anyone else smiling in here.
Are you sure you want to live like common people?
You want to see whatever common people see?
You want to sleep with common people?
You want to sleep with common people, like me?
But, she didn't understand,
She just smiled and held my hand.
Rent a flat above a shop.
Cut your hair and get a job.
Smoke some fags and play some pool.
Pretend you never went to school.
But still, you'll never get it right.
When you're lying in bed at night
watching roaches climb the wall,
if you called your Dad he could stop it all.
You'll never live like common people
You'll never do whatever common people do.
You'll never fail like common people.
You'll never watch your life slide out of view,
and dance and drink and screw
[Jackson and Shatner]
because there's nothing else to do.
[Shatner andChorus ]
Sing along with the common people.
Sing along, and it might just get you thru.'
Laugh along with the common people.
[Shatner and Chorus]
Laugh along, even though they're laughing at you
and the stupid things that you do
'cause you think that poor is cool.
Like a dog lying in a corner,
they'll bite you and never warn you.
Look out.
They'll tear your insides out
'cause everybody hates a tourist.
'Cause Everybody hates a tourist,
especially one who thinks
it's all such a laugh.
Yeah, and the chip stains' grease
will come out in the bath.
[Shatner and Jackson]
You will never understand
how it feels to live your life
with no meaning or control
and with nowhere left to go.
You're amazed that they exist
and they burn so bright,
while you can only wonder why.
Rent a flat above a shop.
Cut your hair and get a job.
Smoke some fags and play some pool.
Pretend you never went to school.
But still, you'll never get it right.
'Cause When you're lying in bed at night
watching roaches climb the wall,
if you called your Dad he could stop it all.
You'll never live like common people
[Shatner and Jackson]
You'll never do what common people do.
You'll never fail like common people.
You'll never watch your life slide out of view
and dance and drink and screw
because there's nothing else to do.
I want to sing with common people, like you.
I want to sing with common people, like you.
I want to sing with common people, like you.
she had a thirst for knowledge.
She studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College.
That's where I caught her eye.
She told me that her Dad was loaded.
I said, in that case I'll have a rum and coca-cola.
She said fine, and in thirty seconds time she said,
I want to live like common people.
I want to do whatever common people do.
I want to sleep with common people.
I want to sleep with common people, like you.
Well, what else could I do?
I said, I'll see what I can do.
I took her to a supermarket.
I don't know why, but I had to
start it somewhere, so it started there.
I said, pretend you've got no money.
She just laughed, and said
oh you're so funny. I said, yeah?
Well, I can't see anyone else smiling in here.
Are you sure you want to live like common people?
You want to see whatever common people see?
You want to sleep with common people?
You want to sleep with common people, like me?
But, she didn't understand,
She just smiled and held my hand.
Rent a flat above a shop.
Cut your hair and get a job.
Smoke some fags and play some pool.
Pretend you never went to school.
But still, you'll never get it right.
When you're lying in bed at night
watching roaches climb the wall,
if you called your Dad he could stop it all.
You'll never live like common people
You'll never do whatever common people do.
You'll never fail like common people.
You'll never watch your life slide out of view,
and dance and drink and screw
[Jackson and Shatner]
because there's nothing else to do.
[Shatner and
[Shatner and Chorus]
Laugh along, even though they're laughing at you
and the stupid things that you do
'cause you think that poor is cool.
Like a dog lying in a corner,
they'll bite you and never warn you.
Look out.
They'll tear your insides out
'cause everybody hates a tourist.
'Cause Everybody hates a tourist,
especially one who thinks
it's all such a laugh.
Yeah, and the chip stains' grease
will come out in the bath.
[Shatner and Jackson]
You will never understand
how it feels to live your life
with no meaning or control
and with nowhere left to go.
You're amazed that they exist
and they burn so bright,
while you can only wonder why.
Rent a flat above a shop.
Cut your hair and get a job.
Smoke some fags and play some pool.
Pretend you never went to school.
But still, you'll never get it right.
'Cause When you're lying in bed at night
watching roaches climb the wall,
if you called your Dad he could stop it all.
You'll never live like common people
[Shatner and Jackson]
You'll never do what common people do.
You'll never fail like common people.
You'll never watch your life slide out of view
and dance and drink and screw
because there's nothing else to do.
I want to sing with common people, like you.
I want to sing with common people, like you.
I want to sing with common people, like you.
2012. november 8., csütörtök
Rules for final exam:
Rules for final exam:
1. Get a personal reading material out.
2. No electronics before during or after test.
3. Use a pencil, do not write on exam.
4. Crying is allowed, but:
- please do so quietly
- do not wipe tears on test booklet
- do not thrash about, it is disruptive
- fetal position is acceptable.
5 perc angol - At the hairdresser’s
5 perc angol - At the hairdresser's Szalai Nóritól
Fodrászhoz mennél angol nyelvterületen, de gondban vagy a szókinccsel? A párbeszédből mindent megtanulhatsz. (A párbeszédet a 2012 októberi szám 61.oldalán is elolvashatod.)
Hairdresser:Good morning, Madam! What can I do for you today?
Woman: I don’t really know. I want to try something different now.
Hairdresser: What do you mean? A different colour or a different style?
Woman: My hair is quite thin. I was wondering to have it curled.
Hairdresser: It sounds good. Would you like me to dye your hair, too?
Woman: Actually, I’m not really keen on having it dyed, yet I would like some blond stripes to highlight my hairdo.
Hairdresser: All right. I understand. We use very high quality materials, which do not destroy the hair structure, so don’ be afraid of hair colouring.
Woman: Okay. I just want to have some highlights now. Maybe later I’ll try colouring, too.
Hairdresser: … and what about the style? Do you have any specific idea, or you just want to have it curled?
Woman: I would also like you to cut it a bit shorter, just to chop off the ends.
Hairdresser: Certainly, madam. If you want me to do it, I’ll do it.
Woman: I’m absolutely sure.
Hairdresser: All right, and then follow me, please so that I can shampoo your hair, first.
Woman: Thank you.
Woman: I don’t really know. I want to try something different now.
Hairdresser: What do you mean? A different colour or a different style?
Woman: My hair is quite thin. I was wondering to have it curled.
Hairdresser: It sounds good. Would you like me to dye your hair, too?
Woman: Actually, I’m not really keen on having it dyed, yet I would like some blond stripes to highlight my hairdo.
Hairdresser: All right. I understand. We use very high quality materials, which do not destroy the hair structure, so don’ be afraid of hair colouring.
Woman: Okay. I just want to have some highlights now. Maybe later I’ll try colouring, too.
Hairdresser: … and what about the style? Do you have any specific idea, or you just want to have it curled?
Woman: I would also like you to cut it a bit shorter, just to chop off the ends.
Hairdresser: Certainly, madam. If you want me to do it, I’ll do it.
Woman: I’m absolutely sure.
Hairdresser: All right, and then follow me, please so that I can shampoo your hair, first.
Woman: Thank you.
What can I do for you today?– Mit tehetek ma önért?
I want to try something different now. – Szeretnék most valami mást kipróbálni.What do you mean? – Mire gondol?/Mit ért ez alatt?
I was wondering … . – Azon gondolkodtam, hogy … .
It sounds good. – Jól hangzik.
I’m not really keen on … . – Nem lelkesedem annyira a/az …-ért.
Don’t be afraid of … . – Ne féljen a …-tól/-től.
Do you have any specific idea? – Van valami egyedi elképzelése?
If you want me to do it, I’ll do it. – Ha szeretné, akkor megcsinálom.
Follow me please to the … . – Kövessen kérem a …-hoz/-hez/-höz.
I want to try something different now. – Szeretnék most valami mást kipróbálni.What do you mean? – Mire gondol?/Mit ért ez alatt?
I was wondering … . – Azon gondolkodtam, hogy … .
It sounds good. – Jól hangzik.
I’m not really keen on … . – Nem lelkesedem annyira a/az …-ért.
Don’t be afraid of … . – Ne féljen a …-tól/-től.
Do you have any specific idea? – Van valami egyedi elképzelése?
If you want me to do it, I’ll do it. – Ha szeretné, akkor megcsinálom.
Follow me please to the … . – Kövessen kérem a …-hoz/-hez/-höz.
to try something different– kipróbálni valami mást
thin – vékony
to have (the hair) curled – begöndöríttetni a hajat
to have one’s hair dyed – befesteti a haját
to be keen on – lelkesedni valamiért
blond stripes – szőke melírcsík
to highlight –kiemel
material – anyag
to destroy –tönkretesz
to chop off –levág
thin – vékony
to have (the hair) curled – begöndöríttetni a hajat
to have one’s hair dyed – befesteti a haját
to be keen on – lelkesedni valamiért
blond stripes – szőke melírcsík
to highlight –kiemel
material – anyag
to destroy –tönkretesz
to chop off –levág
Nehézségi szint:
2012. január 17., kedd
Noémi tanfolyama 25. lecke
Noémi tanfolyama 24. lecke
Noémi tanfolyama 23. lecke
Noémi tanfolyama 22. lecke
Noémi tanfolyama 21. lecke
2012. január 13., péntek
Noémi tanfolyama 20. lecke
Noémi tanfolyama 19. lecke
Noémi tanfolyama 18. lecke
Noémi tanfolyama 17. lecke
17. lecke,
2012. január 10., kedd
Noémi tanfolyama 16. lecke
Noémi tanfolyama 15. lecke
Noémi tanfolyama 14. lecke
2012. január 7., szombat
Noémi tanfolyama 13. lecke
Noémi tanfolyama 12. lecke
Noémi tanfolyama 11. lecke
2012. január 6., péntek
Riders on the storm
Doors Riders On The Storm Lyrics
Send "Riders On The Storm" Ringtone to your Cell
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out alone
Riders on the storm
There's a killer on the road
His brain is squirmin' like a toad
Take a long holiday
Let your children play
If ya give this man a ride
Sweet memory will die
Killer on the road, yeah
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/d/doors/riders+on+the+storm_20042656.html ]
Girl ya gotta love your man
Girl ya gotta love your man
Take him by the hand
Make him understand
The world on you depends
Our life will never end
Gotta love your man, yeah
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out alone
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Támad a vihar
lovason a baj
ez a szülőházunk
vad világban járunk
mint az eb ha csont nem akad
a zenész kívül marad
zápor ha szakad
Gyilkos az uton
agya izgő haluszony
vár a nyár meleggel
családdal eredj el
pároddal utazgatni
szép emlékednek annyi
gyilkos az uton
Te lány szeresd embered
lányka imádd embered
fogd meg két kezét
tudjad lényegét
a világ tőled remél:
létünk véget nem ér
szeresd hát embered
Támad a vihar
lovason a baj
ez a szülőházunk
külvilágban járunk
mint az eb ha csont nem akad
a zenész csuda faj
támad a vihar
Vándor az úton, vihar az úton,
Hull a jó eső, jó nyári eső,
Mint kutyának a csont, kell zenésznek a pénz,
Vándor az úton.
Gyilkos az úton, a sötét agy oson,
Nyaralni, ha mész, gyermekedre nézz!
Ha nem figyelsz a házra, meghal a család.
Gyilkos az úton.
Vándor az úton, vihar az úton,
Hull a jó eső, jó nyári eső,
Mint kutyának a csont, kell színésznek a pénz,
Vándor az úton.
Lány, ha férfi kell, lány, szeretned kell,
Öleljen a kéz, értsen meg az ész.
Az esély a miénk és messze még a vég.
Lány, szeretned kell.
Vándor az úton, vándor az úton.
Vándor, vándor, vándor, vándor az úton.
2012. január 5., csütörtök
Good morning beautiful Day
Steve Holy---Good Morning Beautiful
Good Morning Beautiful, how was your night?
Mine was wonderful with you by my side
And when I opened my eyes and see your sweet face
It's a good morning beautiful day
I couldn't see the light, I didn't know day from night
And I had no reason to care, but since you've came along
I can face the dawn, 'cause I know you'll be there
Good Morning Beautiful, how was your night?
Mine was wonderful with you by my side
And when I opened my eyes and see your sweet face
It's a good morning beautiful day
I never worry if it's raining outside
'Cause in here with you girl, the sun always shines
Good Morning Beautiful, how was your night?
Mine was wonderful with you by my side
And when I opened my eyes and see your sweet face
It's a good morning beautiful day
Mmmm mmm good morning beautiful day
It's a beautiful day
Translated lyrics (magyar)
Kérem, bocsásson pontatlanság, ez csak a számítógépes fordítási
Jó reggelt szép, milyen volt az éjszaka?
Az enyém volt, csodálatos veletek az én oldalamon
És amikor kinyitottam a szemem, és látni az édes arcát
Jó reggelt szép napot
Nem láttam a fényt, nem tudtam nap éjszaka
És én semmi oka nem volt ellátás, de mivel már jött
Én is szembenézni a hajnal, mert tudom, hogy ott leszek
Jó reggelt szép, milyen volt az éjszaka?
Az enyém volt, csodálatos veletek az én oldalamon
És amikor kinyitottam a szemem, és látni az édes arcát
Jó reggelt szép napot
Soha nem aggódni, ha esik az eső kívül
Mert itt veletek lány, a nap mindig süt
Jó reggelt szép, milyen volt az éjszaka?
Az enyém volt, csodálatos veletek az én oldalamon
És amikor kinyitottam a szemem, és látni az édes arcát
Jó reggelt szép napot
Mmmm mmm jó reggelt szép napot
Ez egy szép nap
Noémi tanfolyama 10. lecke
Noémi tanfolyama 9. lecke
2012. január 1., vasárnap
NEIL YOUNG: See the sky about to rain
"See The Sky About To Rain"See the sky about to rain,
broken clouds and rain.
Locomotive, pull the train,
whistle blowing
through my brain.
Signals curling on an open plain,
rolling down the track again.
See the sky about to rain.
Some are bound for happiness,
some are bound to glory
Some are bound to live with less,
who can tell your story?
See the sky about to rain,
broken clouds and rain.
Locomotive, pull the train,
whistle blowin'
through my brain.
Signals curlin' on an open plain,
rollin' down the track again.
See the sky about to rain.
I was down in Dixie Land,
played a silver fiddle
Played it loud and then the man
broke it down the middle.
See the sky about to rain.
broken clouds and rain.
Locomotive, pull the train,
whistle blowing
through my brain.
Signals curling on an open plain,
rolling down the track again.
See the sky about to rain.
Some are bound for happiness,
some are bound to glory
Some are bound to live with less,
who can tell your story?
See the sky about to rain,
broken clouds and rain.
Locomotive, pull the train,
whistle blowin'
through my brain.
Signals curlin' on an open plain,
rollin' down the track again.
See the sky about to rain.
I was down in Dixie Land,
played a silver fiddle
Played it loud and then the man
broke it down the middle.
See the sky about to rain.
Noémi tanfolyama 8. lecke
Noémi tanfolyama 7. lecke
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